Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Olympic torch

After last night's discussion of the flame as a tribute to Hestia, I got to thinking about the Olympic torch. After reading about it some, it seems that it has basically the same meaning so the flames in last night's video. So, if it does, what does that mean for the degree of ceremony that is attached to the torch and its flames during the games? I am just wrestling with getting my mind around the issue. Any guidance would be welcomed!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Just read Jean's blog and wanted to ditto her remarks about all of you in our Bible study group. You are my family away from my "blood relatives" family. Thanks to all of you for being there for me...See you tonight! Peggy

Info from Jean

Dear Friends,
I find myself really looking forward to seeing you tonight. I realize how much I need to be in the fellowship of folks who are seeking to be disciples.
I attended a high school reunion in Oxford this past weekend. It was a great treat and I enjoyed seeing my friends who had made me feel so welcome in Oxford many years ago. I came away being homesick for family. My parents used to live in Oxford for almost 30 years so when I go there I think of them and miss them sorely. I am so thankful that God gives us family with our sisters in the body of Christ. You mean so much to me.
Awhile back I learned about a website called It uses alot of illustrations and excerpts from movies to connect with the Christian life. Thought you might be interested.
Also, while in Oxford, I learned that a classmate of mine Charles Matthews, who is a movie critic, had written a book in 1995, Oscar A to Z: A Complete Guide to More Than 2,400 Movies Nominated for Academy Awards. Charles has a blog at that updates his book.

See you tonight. Love, Jean

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Thanks Laurie. We will miss you this week also and will pray for your father.

This past week, I've been thinking a lot about the lesson from last week. What does it really mean to be a disciple? Sometimes I think I make it too hard...more like the pharisees and sometime I think I make it too easy. It's more than just believing in Christ, more than just following is truly becoming like Him. Each day taking one more step to becoming more Christlike. I think sometimes we use the excuse that we have so many distractions, we want to keep balance in our lives. I don't really remember Christ calling us to balance our time with Him with other things. Becoming a disciple and walking in the dust of the rabbi is about getting dusty. Going places we probably don't want to go. Seeing things we wished we hadn't seen. Doing things that others don't agree with. Experiencing pain and rejection and yet somehow in the midst of the journey finding a peace and joy that is unexplainable. See you tonight.

Friday, June 13, 2008

needed prayers

Since I will be missing Tuesday night, I wanted to add a prayer request. My father had a triple bypass 13 years ago. We just found out that it appears that it has apparently live out its usefulness. On Thurs (6/19), the doctor will be doing the PCI procedure to see if a stent will take care of the problem. If not, he was told to bring his overnight bag because they would schedule surgery for Friday. So, please keep him in your prayers that the procedure Thurs does the job. I will miss seeing you all on Tuesday but will try to enjoy Tampa for us all (around work of course)!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Prayer requests

This group has helped to pray my only grandchild into life so Keli and John David are pregnant again this time without fertility clinic! While Alex will be on June22 this baby will arrive the first week in December just in time for JD to finish his dissertation, sell a house and move (all of those being other prayer requests!)My sister Judy has just finished a 3 month round of chemotherapy but is cautiously optimistic. See you tomight! Sally L